
Album out now on Sharawaji Records, splatter vinyl, CD & download. Huge thanks to the one and only Derk Biondi from "The Surfphony of Derstruction 2000" for the voice-over, legend!!!

#terrorsurfs #powersurf #SharawajiRecords



After 2 albums on Wild Records (California), and their debut “Zomboid Surf Attack” on Sharawaji Records, THE TERRORSURFS are back with more sonic mayhem! The purple splatter vinyl runs at an “audiophile” 45rpm for that full Zombiphonic Hi-Fi sound experience.

From the off, the boys are in pure surf territory with “Terrorsurfer”, the the surf/time continuum is almost ripped apart with mission control sound effects and even a theremin on “Kosmonauty” (watch the far out video) while “Bat Shit Crazy” is exactly that. “(I Wanna Get me Some Hot) Surf Burger” could be just a song about being hungry on a beach, but watch the animated video and make up your own mind! “Murph” moves into psychedelic surf territory, even utilising some backwards guitar, and “Terrorsurf Apocalypse”rounds it all off with an apocalyptic cinematic climax. Phew!!

The “savage suitar driven power surf twang” has now been expanded to a 4-piece with the addition of extra guitarist The Reverend Tonto, he make an unholy racket!! The twang is joyously abundant, power surf with killer riffs, forged with primeval DNA. 2018 will see more shows than ever before including more in Europe.

The Terrorsurfs - Mutant Surfin

 You can buy MUTANT SURFIN' TRASH on vinyl directly from the band at CD and digital download release to follow.
#terrorsurfs #powersurf #SharawajiRecords


Attention Humans! Everyone always asks why don't The Tsunamibots songs have lyrics? Actually they all do but your tiny human brains can not comprehend them. So as a special treat here is the lryic video for 010010 which will be on the new LP Man vs Machine coming out this April.

#tsunamibots #roboticrevolution #manvsmachine #SharawajiRecords

Midnight Tidal Wave is the first single from The Surferific Dudes debut, Mountain Wave EP.  

The Mountain Wave EP is now available for order. #surferificdudes #mountainsurf #mountainwave #instro #sharawajirecords

Following from their debut album Mojado Rodadora, Virginia-based The Surferific Dudes release an EP of hard rockin' instro, Mountain Wave.

The Surferific Dudes are a modern instrumental surf guitar band describing their music as Mountain Surf, where surf guitar fuses with rock and blues from deep within the earth's mantle. Heavily influenced by The Ventures, Dick Dale, Los Straitjackets, The Shadows and many others.

The Surferific Dudes are Tommy Cox Guitar - Tom Thornton Bass and Mike Anderson Drums.

Mountain Wave EP

The Mountain Wave EP is now available for pre-order. #surferificdudes #mountainsurf #mountainwave #instro #sharawajirecords